Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Gwendolyn Brooks, Martin Luthar King, Jr.


  1. I think that the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech is one of the greatest speeches in American movement for the battle of equal rights. He used many metaphors such as check, water, mountain, valleys, etc. The interesting part it is when he said that the government American gave Black people a check without found. I think he refers to Emancipation Proclamation. I believe it was not by chance Dr. King chooses the Lincoln Memorial place. Lincoln was the one who signed the check. It is right to go to him to ask him the government refuses to cash the check. It was true even though the slavery was abolished, but Black people were not totally free. They were like fish in the ocean poverty. I think that Dr. King had thousands and thousands reasons to urge people to fight for their freedom.

  2. I don’t really like the words that Gwendolyn Brooks uses to describe Martin Luther King, Jr. For example, “tragic grace, warm music, and a prose poem.” If the point was to put him in a pedestal, I think better words could have been used because the ones in the poem just sound bizarre. I mean, I do understand the analogies but I don’t think they really give him much credit.
    Nevertheless, I do like the second part of the poem, especially the last three lines when Brooks says, “the word was Justice. It was spoken. So it shall be spoken. So it shall be done.” I find them completely beautiful and powerful, in particular the phrase, “it shall be done.”
