Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Amy Tan, Fish Cheeks


  1. This is the perfect story to show people that they need to appreciate the cultural differences. I thought it was so cute when she realized her mother actually made all of her favorite dishes that christmas. It is kind of like she knew her daughter would be ashamed of them.
    The story reminded me of a friend I had when I was younger. She was always so scared and apologetic when telling me I had to take off my shoes before entering her house when I didn't mind at all. I guess she was just ashamed to be different. Little did she know it was something that I will use to this day. Although the reasoning is different and mine has become more of a habit, I always take my shoes off when I enter a house.

  2. I totally agree with you. There is a quote i feel goes along great with this story that states, "in order to be old and wise one must be young and stupid." i think it goes great with the story a lesson well learned.

  3. This story is pretty cute. It’s short and at first I thought the point of the story was going to be something completely different but upon further reading I found out it had nothing to do with romance, as I had previously suspected but more about pride and self-esteem.
    I like how in the beginning the young girl talks about how she wants a “slim new American nose.” It makes me think how this poor girl is so ashamed of the way she looks and wishes she could look like somebody else. I said I liked it because it is something that most people can relate to. Most young people, especially immigrants struggle to fit into the American society. We see it as something so wonderful, so different, so magical that we try our best to try to fit in. The problem with this is that our minds are so young and immature that we do not realize that life is not about fitting in but about standing out. We believe what most of society dictates us: that if we do not look or act the way that most people do here in America, then we are outcasts, different, and that in time is seen as something really negative when it should be seen as something positive because being unique is something beautiful and wonderful. If we all looked the same way and acted the same way, then life would be boring, meaningless. There would be no reason to get up in the morning, we’d just be living the same life and the same scenarios, people, etc., that we encounter every other day of our lives. That’s why I think it’s beautiful to see people be themselves, to be brave enough to be unique but at the same time, be respectful of others’ opinions and views because the world is a big place and everybody has different views of it; everyone can see a particular image, feeling, or moment in life and interpret it differently so we must always be aware of that and not think we know all the answers to the world because we don’t; nobody does. And nobody ever will.
