Thursday, July 21, 2011

Cornell Woolrich, It Had to Be Murder

1 comment:

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story. I found myself unable to hear anything around me and I was constantly focused on this story. Towards the end of the story I noticed myself getting a little worked up and nervous! At first the story looked too long and I did not want to read it but once I got past the first page I was hooked. I think that is a good trait of a good story, where the reader becomes hooked immediately. When they described the main character I imagined him to be paralyzed from and accident or maybe even war which is why he could only go between his bed and his chair. It did not turn out to be as serious as that because in the end I found out his leg was only in a cast. This man became engrossed in people watching because that is really all he could do at the time. I can, in a smaller sense, relate to this because I am very much a people watcher. I think this man took it too far because he was essentially spying on his neighbors. I want to know how the man who killed his wife found out it was the main character who sent him the note and was calling him. Did Sam leave something behind? I do not read thriller stories but after this one I might have to get into them!
